Build an authorize URL using the well-known configuration link
On the production and sandbox environments, the "scaOauth" property of a consent creation is the following:
"_links": {
"scaOAuth": {
"href": ""https://{brandId}{branchId}/xs2a-service/.well-known/openid-configuration?authorizationId=3418308b-f732-4d6e-99db-cc51023b248b""
You have to call this URL and retrieve the “authorization_enpoint” property in the response:
"issuer": "https://{brandId}{branchId}/xs2a-service",
"authorization_endpoint": "https://{brandId}{branchId}/xs2a-service/authorize/3418308b-f732-4d6e-99db-cc51023b248b",
"token_endpoint": "https://{brandId}{branchId}/xs2a-service/oauth2/token",
"scopes_supported": [
"response_types_supported": [
"grant_types_supported": [
"subject_types_supported": [
With this property, you will be able to build your authorize URL with the following parameters:
URI parameter | Description |
scope | This parameter corresponds to the consentId of the consent creation or the paymentId of the payment initiation Examples: AIS:{consentId} PIS:{consentId} |
client_id | This parameter corresponds to your NCA id |
state | Dynamic value that you have to set in order to prevent XSRF attacks |
redirect_uri | This parameter corresponds to the URI where the OAuth2 server is redirecting the PSU after the authorization. NB : this redirect_uri has to be the same used for the consent creation or payment initiation |
code_challenge | This parameter corresponds to PKCE challenge according to cryptographic RFC 7636 which is used to prevent code injection attacks |
response_type | Type of the response. This value has to be set to “code” |
code_challenge_method | Optional parameter which corresponds to the code verifier transformation method ("S256") |
Following these instructions your authorize URL should look like this and is now valid to process the authorization of the PSU:
This process to build the authorize URL is the same for a payment initiation or a payment cancellation with SCA.